Monday, December 29, 2008


Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
I really enjoyed this book because the research is interdisciplinary, as the topic applies to every point of view. In Blink!, Gladwell describes how when someone is an expert in their field, they can reach a point where they can know complex information in two seconds, or the blink of an eye. For instance, the marriage counselor who knew by seeing a couple talk, how long their marriage will last, or the food-tasters who can immediately tell the ingredients in a soup. It also talks about times where those who should be experts get the information wrong, such as cops in New York who shot a man, thinking he was pulling a gun, when he was getting out his wallet.

This book changed my way of thinking, making me more aware of my own intuition, and the kind of information I pick up in just a few seconds. I became more aware of when experts are feeling me out. Now I am a little more forgiving of those who seem to make a snap judgement about me. Maybe we all do it. To really be able to get a piece of information from a split second and be correct, takes a lot of time and expertise.

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