Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eve and the Choice Made in Eden

By Beverly Campbell

The premise is that much of the oppression of women over the centuries comes from a misunderstanding of Adam's transgression, and especially eve's transgression. In the Garden of Eden, Eve was not tricked by the serpent into the action of partaking of the forbidden fruit thus dooming mankind to misery. She was thinking of humanity's greater good. If she had not partaken of the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve would not have been able to have children, the entire population. They would not have been able to progress through trial and sorrow to know good from evil. They would still be in the Garden in an innocent state, and none of us would be here.

There have been studies about the difference in moral reasoning in men verses women. Men reason in terms of rules, laws, right or wrong, but women reason in terms of relationships with others and how a decision affects everyone involved. Adam's reasoning was correct in that he followed the law of God forbidding him to partake of the fruit. But Eve's reasoning favored the posterity of mankind. She broke one law for a higher good--the birth of humanity. Even an existence filled with pain and sorrow is better than a lovely stagnant garden existence.

Understanding the nature of Eve and her Choice Made in Eden can powerfully change the way societies view women. Women can instead be seen as valuable and wise, as opposed to corrupt and easily duped. The value of both men and women increases. Our various gender roles is enlightened. Our need to aid in each other's missions is informed. The belief that one gender is superior at the expense is eradicated.

This book can change your life.

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